Genesis 11:1
The New Testament is always converting into blessings the curses of
the Old Testament. The burdens and severities of the Law are not only
the types but the very substances of Gospel liberty and truth; the
confusion of Babel leads to a greater harmony, and its dispersion ends
in a more... [ Continue Reading ]
Genesis 11:1.
From the text we gather these practical suggestions:
I. Examine carefully the quality and meaning of every new plan of
II. Beware of the sophism that Heaven helps those who help themselves.
III. Regulate ambition by the Divine will.
IV. If we make great plans, let us make th... [ Continue Reading ]
Genesis 11:4
_(with Acts 2:3)_
I. Three motives may have led to the building of the Tower of Babel:
(1) a feeling that in union and communion lay the secret of man's
renown and strength that to disperse the family was to debilitate it;
(2) a remembrance of the deluge, and a guilty dread of some si... [ Continue Reading ]
Genesis 11:9
I. God is not the Author of confusion, but of peace. Yet once, in His
wise compassion, He made confusion in order to prevent it; He
destroyed peace, that in the end he might restore it.
The history of Babel is far more than a record of the defeated attempt
of wicked men to accomplish... [ Continue Reading ]