Genesis 28:16

At Bethel Jacob gained the knowledge for himself of the real presence of a personal God. He felt that he a person, he a true living being, he a reasonable soul, stood indeed before an infinite but still a true personal being before the Lord Almighty. Then it was that the patriarch entered into the greatness of his calling, and felt for himself the true blessedness of his inheritance.

I. This living sense of God's presence with us is a leading feature of the character of all His saints under every dispensation. This is the purpose of all God's dealings with every child of Adam to reveal Himself to them and in them. He kindles desires after Himself; He helps and strengthens the wayward will; He broods with a loving energy over the soul; He will save us if we will be saved. All God's saints learn how near He is to them, and they rejoice to learn it. They learn to delight themselves in the Lord He gives them their hearts' desire.

II. Notice, secondly, how this blessing is bestowed on us. For around us, as around David, only far more abundantly, are appointed outward means, whereby God intends to reveal Himself to the soul. This is the true character of every ordinance of the Church: all are living means of His appointment, whereby He reveals Himself to those who thirst after Him. We use these means aright when through them we seek after God. Their abuse consists either in carelessly neglecting these outward things or in prizing them for themselves and so resting in them, by which abuse they are turned into especial curses.

S. Wilberforce, Sermons,p. 66.

References: Genesis 28:16. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. vii., No. 401; Homiletic Quarterly,vol. iii., p. 548. Genesis 28:16; Genesis 28:17. J. B. Mozley, Parochial and Occasional Sermons,p. 28; W. F. Hook, Sermons on Various Subjects,p. 152; Archbishop Thomson, Life in the Light of God's Word,p. 143.Genesis 28:16. R. S. Candlish, Book of Genesis,vol. ii., p. 10.

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