Genesis 44:1

I. There had been a strong combination, designed and undesigned, to keep Joseph down. But it was in vain. "Light is sown for the righteous." It is sometimes late in springing, but God's harvests are large ones, if it is far on in the autumn before they are gathered. They only linger to grow. He who had been sold as a slave lived to say to the steward of his house, "Fill the men's sacks with food"; and the men were those who had sold him.

II. Joseph has always been a favourite type of Jesus. In these words of his we seem to hear our Joseph saying to His stewards, the ministers and teachers of every sort, "Fill with food, not flowers."Hungry men cannot eat flowers; yet some preachers act as though poetry and pretty ideas were the only things fit for food. Food, not chaff.Chaff is worse than flowers; they are at least pleasant to look at before they fade, but dry, tasteless preaching gives neither pleasure nor profit. The finest of the wheat is in the granary, and only needs serving out.

III. Fill, do not give short measure. There need be no stint. There is plenty. The less the mind that comes, the more pains should be taken that it has a full sack.

IV. "Put their money in their sacks." God's grace is free. Salvation cannot be of grace and of debt. Our royal Joseph is a King, and does not trade.

T. Champness, New Coins from Old Gold,p. 12.

Reference: Genesis 44:1. Parker, vol. i., p. 338.

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