Hebrews 1:1
The Bible as a Revelation of God.
Two things are affirmed by this writer. First, that God spake to the
Jewish nation by the prophets of the Old Testament, evidently in an
especial and supernatural manner; and next, that He spake to them by a
gradual revelation of the teaching, communic... [ Continue Reading ]
Hebrews 1:1
The Son above the Angels.
I. The Son is the end of all history. The Father hath appointed the
Lord Jesus Christ, His Son, the heir of all things. There is nothing
excepted that is not given unto Him. He has obtained the Church as the
first and central part of His inheritance. As the ma... [ Continue Reading ]
Hebrews 1:3
Christ above the Angels.
I. It is very wonderful how, in God's ways, fixed necessity and
liberty go hand in hand. From all eternity Jesus is appointed the Son
of David; but the development of history goes through liberty, the
exercise of faith, of hope, of patience, of joy, of sufferin... [ Continue Reading ]
Hebrews 1:5 ; HEBREWS 2:4.
Why does the Apostle speak about the angels? He has shown from Psalm
ii., from Psalm xcvii., from 2 Sam. vii., from Psalm cx., most clearly
that the man Jesus is none other than God, and that therefore in His
humanity also He is highly exalted above all angels. But what i... [ Continue Reading ]
Hebrews 1:6
Christ worshipped by Angels.
I. The first thing which the text teaches is that Christ is a proper
object of Divine worship.
II. The text suggests another point that the incarnation of our
ever-blessed Lord affords a special call upon all in earth and heaven
to ascribe unto Him the hon... [ Continue Reading ]
Hebrews 1:7
Angelic Life and its Lessons.
I. There is no proof of the existence of other beings than ourselves,
but there is also no proof of the contrary. Apart from revelation, we
can think about the subject as we please. But it does seem incredible
that we alone should represent in the universe... [ Continue Reading ]
Hebrews 1:14
Ministry of Angels.
I. The angels are ministering, _i.e._worshipping, spirits; beings
engaged in the perpetual liturgy of the glorious temple above. That
temple has never wanted its worshippers. The solemn anthem of praise
has never been silent there. It has not been broken and marred... [ Continue Reading ]