Hebrews 12:14

Peace and Holiness.

The two exhortations to follow peace with all men and that holiness without which none can see the Lord comprise the whole Christian life.

I. The characteristic feature of the Church ought to be the spirit of peace. Christians are faithful to God, and to His truth; their testimony is against sin and unbelief in the world, against hypocrisy and unfaithfulness in the Church; but as love is their life element, so peace is their characteristic. If God's peace is within us, we love the brethren and all men. We are able to deal with them tenderly and calmly. Humility, affection, and helpfulness characterise the son of peace; for he is always praising the boundless grace of God in which he stands.

II. Holiness. Christ is made unto us sanctification. If only holiness can admit us to the blessed vision of God, it must be Christ's; for imperfect holiness is as great a contradiction as unclean purity. The warfare is painful, for sin is still inus. It is not like a garment that we wear. It has entrenched itself in our flesh; that is, the old Adam-nature of body, soul, and spirit. Hence cleaving to Christ and our holiness in Him is crucifixion of the flesh, and that is painful. Let us study the epistles of the Apostle Paul, and learn the solemn and awful character of the Christian life, warfare, and race, the constant need of watchfulness and concentration of energy, of diligence, self-restraint, and self-denial. But let us learn from them that it is a blessed and joyous thing to follow the holiness, to abide in the light and love of God, to dwell in Him who is light, and in whom is no darkness at all, who is love, and who hath shed abroad His love in our hearts.

A. Saphir, Lectures on Hebrews,vol. ii., p. 388.

References: Hebrews 12:15. E. Bersier, Sermons,2nd series, p. 322; Outline Sermons to Children,p. 267; J. H. Hitchens, Christian World Pulpit,vol. v., p. 22.Hebrews 12:16, Hebrews 12:17. S. A. Tipple, Ibid.,vol. xiii., p. 139. Hebrews 12:17. J. Vaughan, Sermons,9th series, p. 85; Preacher's Monthly,vol. iii., p. 317; Homiletic Magazine,vol. xiv., p. 172.Hebrews 12:18. Parker, Cavendish Pulpit,1st series, p. 148.

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