Isaiah 11:2

Isaiah 11:2 This is Isaiah's description of the Spirit of Whitsuntide, the royal Spirit which was to descend, and did descend without measure, on the ideal and perfect King, even on Jesus Christ our Lord, the only-begotten Son of God. I. That Spirit is the Spirit of God, and therefore the Spirit o... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 11:4

Isaiah 11:4 As it may in many ways be shown that the Church of Christ, though one Church with the Jewish, differs from it as being a kingdom, so now let me dwell on this point: that though a kingdom like empires of the earth, it differs from them in being a Church, _i.e._a kingdom of truth and righ... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 11:6

Isaiah 11:6 It is plain, from the words of the text, that Isaiah was one of those prophets and righteous men who desired to see and hear the things which Christ's disciples saw and heard. But it may be said that he desired to see the kingdom of Christ, because he thought that it would bring with it... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 11:9

Isaiah 11:9 I. Most exactly have the figures which the Holy Spirit condescended to apply to Himself been fulfilled in the course of the dispensation; nay, even to this day. His operation has been calm, equable, gradual, far-spreading, overtaking, intimate, irresistible. What is so awfully silent, s... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 11:10

Isaiah 11:10 I. "There shall be a root of Jesse," _i.e._a thrifty scion shall spring forth from that old decayed family. The prophet does not represent our Saviour as a stately and luxuriant tree, but as a sucker from an unpromising and apparently dead root. II. The prophet goes on to portray His g... [ Continue Reading ]

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