Isaiah 45:2

Isaiah 45:2 I. Man must go. Each man is accomplishing a journey, going through a process. The only question is How? Man may go, either with God or without Him. Whether we go with God or without Him, we shall find crooked places; we had better clearly understand this, lest any one should turn round... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:5

Isaiah 45:5 God has a definite life-plan for every human person, girding him, visibly or invisibly, for some exact thing, which it will be the true significance and glory of his life to have accomplished. What a thought is this for every human soul to cherish! What dignity does it add to life! What... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:15

Isaiah 45:15 We have to consider the truth that God's hiding of Himself is in order that He may be better known, and that His great end in all is that all the ends of the earth may look to Him and be saved. I. This is true of the material universe. Matter in its dullness and insensibility hides God... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:21

Isaiah 45:21 I. "A just God and a Saviour." The grand truth is manifestly this that there is in God an everlasting harmony between the just and the merciful. He is just, not in opposition to salvation, but because He is a Saviour. He is a Saviour, not in opposition to justice, but because He is just... [ Continue Reading ]

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