Isaiah 65:5

Isaiah 65:5 False grounds of superiority in holiness. The disposition to arrogate the dignity of holiness, in other words, of religious worth and excellence, has never become extinct among men, nor the quite consistent disposition to turn it to the use of pride. We may specify a few of the many gro... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 65:8

Isaiah 65:8 Here we have four lessons taught us by a bunch of grapes. I. That great good may be stored in little things. A bunch of grapes is a little thing, and yet there is a blessing in it. With a heart given to Jesus, a child is a sun which cannot but shine, a fountain which cannot but send ou... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 65:24

Isaiah 65:24 I. Consider how great degrees of love and anxiety for us are expressed in these few words. The Almighty Lord of heaven and earth represents Himself as watching with anxiety the hearts and consciences of us His creatures, His sinful creatures; as listening after any, the least, expressi... [ Continue Reading ]

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