Isaiah 65:8

Here we have four lessons taught us by a bunch of grapes.

I. That great good may be stored in little things. A bunch of grapes is a little thing, and yet there is a blessing in it. With a heart given to Jesus, a child is a sun which cannot but shine, a fountain which cannot but send out streams, a flower which cannot but fill the air with sweetness.

II. God alone puts the blessing into little things. In this He displays: (1) His wisdom; (2) His omnipotence; (3) His condescension and compassion.

III. Little things are to be spared for this blessing in them. There are plenty of little things which you are apt to despise because they are little, and yet, destroy them not, says God, for a blessing is in them. (1) Your vows and resolutions; (2) your principles; (3) your habits; (4) your character; (5) your friendships; (6) your interest in the heathen.

IV. If the blessing is lacking in them they will be undone for ever. "Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it." As if it were said, If there were no blessing in it, then it might be destroyed. It is the blessing which delivers. If there is no blessing in us, we are doomed. The unprofitable servant hid his talent in the napkin, but he could not hide himself from his master's indignation.

J. Bolton, Family Treasury,Jan. 1863, p.111.

References: Isaiah 65:8. Outline Sermons to Children,p. 104.Isaiah 65:11. F. W. Farrar, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xviii., p. 321.Isaiah 65:19. Spurgeon, Morning by Morning,p. 236. Isaiah 65:20. G. Brooks, Outlines of Sermons,p. 341.

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