James 1:12

Temptation Treated as Opportunity.

I. The Bible teaches us, and as Christians we believe, that there is a regular course of temptations for us in this life; that there are a number of objects and wishes constantly presenting themselves to us in the natural course of things here that we should not give way to, but resist, although they do present themselves. We see a vast number in the world who seem practically to believe that there are no such things as temptations in the world at all. Scripture is sharp and mistrustful about everything which the world offers. Distrust everything, it would seem to say, till it is proved to be safe. Think everything dangerous and deceitful. The world within you and the world without are evil, and they are placed in you and near you in order that you may have nothing to do with them, in order that by having nothing to do with them, though they are so near, you may gain a more entire and remote distance from them.

II. On the whole it depends entirely on the principle we have in our minds to begin with whether we regard a number of impulses and incitements which surround us every day as calls to induce us or as temptations to try us. In one way of looking at our state here the world is full of temptations; in another it has none. Whether the temptation be to pleasure, or to money-getting, or to hasty speech, or to presumption, there are many who will never see it in any of these cases; that is to say, they see it, but they do not see it as a temptation, but as an opportunity. It never occurs to them to take the contradictory side in the course of things here. If there is anything certain in Scripture it is that we are here in a state of warfare, and we must act as if we were. We must take the severer view of the invitations which we meet with in our course. We must look hostilely upon them, and take them at once for what they are our foes and opponents and then we shall have that succour which God has promised.

J. B. Mozley, Parochial and Occasional Sermons,p. 14.

References: James 1:12. Clergyman's Magazine,vol. vi., p. 95; Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xxxi., No. 1834; Homilist,3rd series, vol. viii., p. 209. James 1:13; James 1:14. Homiletic Quarterly,vol. vi., p. 102; Clergyman's Magazine,vol. vi., p. 94; H. W. Beecher, Christian World Pulpit,vol. iv., p. 19. James 1:13. Ibid.,vol. xxx., p. 339; Clergyman's Magazine,vol. ii., p. 156. James 1:15. A. Mursell, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xiv., p. 104; J. G. Horder, Ibid.,vol. xxx., p. 141.James 1:16; James 1:17. C. Kingsley, Village Sermons,p. 25.James 1:16. Preacher's Monthly,vol. vii., p. 375.

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