Jeremiah 2:6
There are three shameful possibilities in life.
I. The possibility of dishonouring the great memories of life. The
great memories of life are dishonoured (1) when the vividness of their
recollection fades; (2) when their moral purpose is overlooked and
misunderstood; (3) when their st... [ Continue Reading ]
Jeremiah 2:13
Consider some of the cisterns, and see whether it be not strictly true
that they can hold no water.
I. The cistern of Sensualism. Not even the sensualist himself can
always succeed in so utterly hoodwinking himself as to believe that
the passions have a right to govern us. The flimsy... [ Continue Reading ]
Jeremiah 2:22
The nitre here mentioned was a mineral substance, and the soap was a
vegetable substance, both employed for the purpose of removing spots;
and the meaning is, "Adopt what means you may, and all the means
within your power, still your sin will remain, it will strike through
again, and... [ Continue Reading ]