Jeremiah 8:7,8

Jeremiah 8:7 Our text makes mention of the discrimination of times by the faculty of instinct, and contrasts it favourably with man's want of discrimination, though endowed with reason. I. The birds of passage show, in their periodic migrations, their discernment of seasons, and this, both as rega... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 8:20

Jeremiah 8:20 No hope, no hope! That was the peculiar burden of Jeremiah, that was the vision forced upon him, the message he was constrained to deliver, while the people and their leaders were nursing the assurance that all was going well, that a work was being prosecuted which would secure salvat... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 8:22

Jeremiah 8:22 I. Sin is the consumption not of the body, but of the soul, and without seeking to establish any curious analogies, but supposing that you were a mere neutral visitor, a mere unconcerned spectator of this world, you would see all its inhabitants labouring under a disease which has thes... [ Continue Reading ]

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