Job 36:1
The sinner's excuses answered.
I. One excuse is that the Bible cannot be true because it represents
God as unjust. It represents God as creating men and then condemning
them for another's sin. To this the answer is: (1) The Bible always
represents the sinner condemned as really sinning hi... [ Continue Reading ]
Job 36:2
I. The wisdom put into the mouth of Elihu when the three friends had
failed reminds us of what we are taught elsewhere in the Bible: that
there are times when traditional authority must give way to truth,
when he who is young may instruct those who are aged, when out of the
mouths of babes... [ Continue Reading ]
Job 36:10
Discipline is the art or system of learning generally any little
things. It is very much the same as instruction or education. But
because teaching or education is often a very hard thing, and
accompanied with severity, discipline has come to be taken in a severe
sense, for we generally a... [ Continue Reading ]