John 1:37

The First Disciples John and Andrew.

I. Look at the question of Christ to the whole world: What seek ye? As it stands, on the surface and in its primary application, it is the most natural of questions. Venturing to take the words in a somewhat wider application, let me suggest two or three directions in which they seem to point. (1) The question suggests to us this: the need of having a clear consciousness of what is our object in life. (2) These words are really a veiled and implied promise. Christ asks all such questions not for His information, but for our strengthening. "What seek ye?" It is a blank cheque that He puts into their hands to fill up. It is the key of His treasure-house which He offers to all, with the assured confidence that if we open it we shall find all we need.

II. Now, how may we regard the second words which our Lord speaks as His merciful invitation to the world? "Come and see." (1) Christ is always glad when people resort to Him. (2) The revelation of the Master is also a very distinct call to a first-hand knowledge of Jesus Christ. (3) In this "Come and see" there is a distinct call to the personal act of faith.

III. Lastly, we have in these words a parable of the blessed experience which binds men's hearts to Jesus for ever. (1) The impression of Christ's own personality is the strongest force to make disciples. The character of Jesus Christ is, after all, the centre and the standing evidence, and the mightiest credentials of Christianity. (2) Once more, experience of the grace and sweetness of this Saviour binds men to Him as nothing else will. The deepest and sweetest and most precious part of His character and of His gifts can only be known on condition of possession of Him and them, and they can be possessed only on condition of holding fellowship with Him. I do not say to any man, Try, Trust, in order to be sure that Jesus Christ is worthy to be trusted; for by its very nature faith cannot be an experiment or provisional.

A. Maclaren, A Year's Ministry,2nd series, p. 127.

References: John 1:37. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xii., No. 702. Joh 1:37-39. Homiletic Quarterly,vol. i., p. 411. Joh 1:37-51. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. x., No. 570; W. M. Taylor, Peter the Apostle,p. 21. Joh 1:38. G. Brooks, Outlines of Sermons,p. 306. John 1:38; John 1:39. H. J. Wilmot-Buxton, Waterside Mission Sermons,No. 3:1:39. J. B. Heard, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xvii., p. 12; Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xi., No. 633.

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