John 1:40

The First Disciples Simon Peter.

In this incident we have two things mainly to consider (1) the witness of the disciple; (2) the self-revelation of the Master.

I. The witness of the disciple. (1) Notice first the illustratration that we get here of how instinctive and natural the impulse is, when one has found Jesus Christ, to tell some one else about Him. Nobody said to Andrew, "Go and look for your brother." And yet, as soon as he had fairly realised the fact that this man standing before him was the Messiah, though the evening seems to have come, he hurries away to find his brother, and share with him the glad conviction. (2) He firstfindeth his own brother.The language of the text suggests that the Evangelist's tendency to the suppression of himself hides away in this singular expression the fact that he, too, went to look for a brother. Home, then those who are nearest to us presents the natural channels for Christian work. (3) Notice the simple word which is the most powerful means of influencing most men. Andrew did not begin to argue with his brother. The mightiest argument that we can use, and the argument that we can all use, if we have got any religion in us at all, is that of Andrew, "We have found the Messias."

II. The self-revelation of the Master. It was the impression which Christ Himself made on Simon which completed the work begun by his brother. The look, which is described by an unusual word, was a penetrating gaze which regarded Peter with fixed attention. It must have been remarkable to have lived in John's memory for all these years. Our Lord shows himself possessed of supernatural and thorough knowledge. (2) Another revelation of our Lord's relation to His disciples is given in the fact of His changing Simon's name. He thus takes absolute possession of him, and asserts His mastery over him. (3) That change of name implies Christ's power and promise to bestow a new character and new functions and honours.

A. Maclaren, A Year's Ministry,2nd series, p. 141.

References: John 1:40. J. Foster, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xi., p. 390; G. Brooks, Outlines of Sermons,p. 422; J. Keble, Sermonsfor Saints' Days,p. 11. Joh 1:40, John 1:41. Homiletic Quarterly,vol. vii., p. 279. John 1:40. R. Maguire, Christian World Pulpit,vol. ii., p. 313; Preacher's Monthly,vol. x., p. 303.

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