John 10:3

John 10:3 I. There is no difficulty in the general interpretation of the language of the text. Christ has a personal knowledge of His disciples of the most complete and intimate kind, calling each by name, treating him as an individual, according to the nature he possesses and the actual circumstanc... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:4

John 10:4 Christ the Shepherd of His people I. Christ goes before His people in the path of holy obedience. II. He goes before them in the path of suffering and tribulation. III. He goes before them to the grave. IV. He goes before them to the judgment. V. He goes before them to glory. A. D.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:10

John 10:10 I. The gift of the Spirit of life dwells in those who are united to Christ in a fulness more abundant than was ever revealed before. And the gift of life is not a power, a principle, but a very true Person dwelling in us. This is the regeneration for which all ages waited till the Word w... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:11

John 10:11 The Shepherd of our Souls In those countries of the East where our Lord appeared, the office of a shepherd is not only a lowly and simple office, and an office of trust, as it is with us, but moreover, an office of great hardship and of peril. Our flocks are exposed to no enemies such a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:14

John 10:14 The True Sheep Our Lord here says that He and His sheep know each other; that His knowledge of them is one of the tokens of the Good Shepherd; and that their knowledge of Him is one of the tokens of the true sheep. Now, what is this knowledge by which His true sheep are known? It is the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:14,15

John 10:14 The Shepherd of the Sheep Two things come up for consideration in this verse (1) The good Shepherd in His relation as such; (2) His work. I. The Shepherd stands in a twofold relation; on the one hand, to Him whose shepherd He is by authoritative appointment, and, on the other hand, to t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:17,18

John 10:17 Christ Comforting Himself I. These words, although spoken, it would seem, to an audience, read like a soliloquy. Jesus Christ, we may say, is here heard comforting Himself, comforting Himself with the reflection that some one loves Him, and with the sense of His power, He could not get o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 10:24

John 10:24 The Godhead of Christ There seems to be much in our Lord's manner of teaching to justify this question. Men who have sought to win the world to their side, have ever made the most of their pretentions, and those commissioned by God to do a work for Him in the world have never lost an op... [ Continue Reading ]

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