Joshua 23:1

Joshua 23:1 At the death of Moses a sudden gleam of heaven, as it were, came over the elder Church. The law seemed for a while suspended as regards its threats and punishments; all was privilege on the one side, all was obedience on the other. Joshua led the people forward, conquering and to conque... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:1-3

Joshua 23:1. Joshua and St. John stand out as if in direct hostility to each other. We know that the Book of Joshua must have been read by the Apostle in his childhood, his manhood, his old age. Let us inquire how at different times of his life he must have regarded it. I. We find him first as a G... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:8

Joshua 23:8 I. It could be only in a limited sense that this praise could be given to the children of Israel; their great crime through all periods of their history was that they did not cleave unto the Lord their God. But probably during that score of years which intervened between the entrance in... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:11-15

Joshua 23:11 I. In this speech Joshua once more presses upon the people their true character as the chosen people of the Lord God. He is able now to appeal to facts in evidence of the truth which had once been matters of faith; he is able now to point to what God has done, to call the people themse... [ Continue Reading ]

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