Luke 2:22

I. The entrance of our Lord into His Temple had been foretold by Malachi four hundred years before (Malachi 3:1). But the Lord did not now come in His glory, like as before when that bright cloud, the sign of His presence, filled the new-built Temple in the time of King Solomon: He came now in our flesh, in the form of a helpless babe. For though it was still in deed and in truth the Lord of Hosts coming into His Temple, yet now to the fleshly eyes what was to be seen? No visible glory, but two persons in mean condition and of poor estate, bringing what was supposed to be their first-born infant to present Him according to the law.

II. Christ was presented as One willing to offer Himself up for us; He came even as it had been foretold of Him, saying, "Lo, I come to do Thy will, O God." He was come into the world to do away with the sacrifices of the law, by offering up Himself as the true and perfect sacrifice once for all on the Cross. And His presentation in the Temple was (as it were) a foreshowing, or rather a beginning, of that sacrifice which He accomplished on the Cross as on an altar where He presented Himself before His Father as bearing our sins and making a full satisfaction for them.

III. We were presented to God once, and that pure and clean, after our baptism. And now when we have sinned, as we all see, we are permitted to present ourselves with confession and prayers, either at home or here in His own sacred house; like the holy Simeon and Anna we come here to present ourselves before the Lord with confession, prayers, and praise; thus, if we persevere in constant devout waiting upon God, we may trust we shall, like them, find Christ here and obtain of Him the gifts of holiness, and in union with Him be presented acceptable and pure before God. For when we come hither to pray for the pardon of our sins, and the cleansing of our whole man from our wretched defilements, we do in a manner, by our very appearance, if we bring our hearts with us, present and plead before the Father the merits of Christ's sacrifice. Let it therefore be our endeavour to present ourselves at His Holy Table each time more and more, as we would present ourselves before His presence on His throne of judgment at the last day.

Plain Sermons by Contributors to "Tracts for the Times,"vol. vii., p. 21; see also J. Keble, Sermons for Saints' Days,p. 146.

References: Luke 2:22. Church of England Pulpit,vol. iii., p. 57. Luke 2:22. Clergyman's Magazine,vol. ii., p. 26; J. M. Neale, Sermons in a Religious House,vol. i., p. 264.

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