Luke 20:25
I. Let us look at the use which has so long been made of our Lord's
reply, and ask whether it is justifiable or wise. His words have been
perpetually quoted, as if "Cæsar" meant civil government, and "God"
ecclesiastical government, and as if Cæsar and God had separate
spheres of jurisdic... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 20:36
The Mortal and the Immortal.
I. Ours is a dying world; and immortality has no place upon this
earth. That which is deathless is beyond these hills. "Neither can
they die any more" is the prediction of something future, not the
announcement of anything either present or past. We are stil... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 20:38
Consider some of the consequences of the truth of this text:
I. As regards the body. In heaven's language _i.e._in the real truth
of the case the body never dies. There is that which lives. At least
God sees it alive. The relation of the body to the soul, and of the
soul to the body, su... [ Continue Reading ]