Luke 20:36

The Mortal and the Immortal.

I. Ours is a dying world; and immortality has no place upon this earth. That which is deathless is beyond these hills. "Neither can they die any more" is the prediction of something future, not the announcement of anything either present or past. We are still under the reign of death, and this is the hour and power of darkness. The day of the destruction of death and the unlocking of sepulchres is not yet. It will come in due time. Meanwhile, we have to look on death; for our dwelling is in a world of death a land of graves.

II. If then we would get beyond death's circle and shadow we must look above. Death is here, but life is yonder. The fading is here, the blooming is yonder. Death, which is now a law, an inevitable necessity, shall then be an impossibility. They who are partakers of the first resurrection and of the world to come are made for ever immortal. This is the triumph of life. It is more than resurrection: for it is resurrection with the security that death can never again approach them throughout eternity.

H. Bonar, Short Sermons,p. 416.

References: Luke 20:36. I. Taylor, Saturday Evening,p. 322.Luke 20:37. J. Vaughan, Sermons,13th series, p. 142.Luke 20:37; Luke 20:38. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xxxi., No. 1863; T. C. Finlayson, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xi., p. 65; J. Baldwin Brown, Ibid.,vol. xii., p. 328; Ibid.,vol. xxvi., p. 182.

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