Luke 20:38

Consider some of the consequences of the truth of this text:

I. As regards the body. In heaven's language the real truth of the case the body never dies. There is that which lives. At least God sees it alive. The relation of the body to the soul, and of the soul to the body, subsists through the interval between death and the resurrection. Can we suppose that the spirit, in the intermediate state, does not affect and desire its own body? St. Paul leads us on to that thought. He did not rest in, he did not like the idea of, unclothed spirit "Not that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon" i.e.with the old body renovated, and no longer, as now, burdensome. To God, nothing dies: it changes, but it does not die, "For all live unto Him."

II. But as respects the spirit. Surely it cannot be that energies are dormant, that existence is torpid, and all things in abeyance, and life as if it were not life after we die, till the day of Christ. For, then, could it be said of souls in such a state, we "live unto Him"? We say it of the body, indeed, though it be asleep, because of its relations to an animated soul. But would it be true if the soul also slept that long sleep. Are they not rather living in a very ecstasy of being and of joy, if they live unto Him? And to think of that life of theirs, may it not help us to live indeed an earnest, and a busy, and a holy, and a happy life? To think of them dead, is not it to sadden, to hinder, and to deaden us? But to think of them living, so living, is not it to gladden and animate us?

III. What, then, is death? Who are the dead? They who, living, live separate from their own souls; and, which is the same thing, they whose souls and bodies are both separate from God they are the dead. That is the distance, and that is the parting. But do not think of those who sleep in Jesus as far off. Their life and our life is one.

J. Vaughan, Fifty Sermons,5th series, p. 20.

References: Luke 20:38. I. Taylor, Saturday Evening,p. 280; G. Macdonald, Unspoken Sermons,p. 232.Luke 20:41. T. T. Lynch, Three Months' Ministry,p. 265.Luke 20:46. Preacher's Monthly,vol. ii., p. 251.Luke 20 F. D. Maurice, The Gospel of the Kingdom,p. 301. Luke 20-21 A. B. Bruce, The Training of the Twelve,p. 328. Luke 21:1; Luke 21:2. R. L. Browne, Sussex Sermons,p. 213.Luke 21:1. G. Calthrop, Pulpit Recollections,p. 192.Luke 21:9. Preacher's Monthly,vol. ii., p. 252.

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