Luke 24:29

The Evening Prayer of Christ's Friends.

I. First, notice some of the feelings which must have been in the hearts of those who presented this prayer. (1) The first and most natural feeling was grateful interest in a spiritual benefactor. (2) The next feeling was a desire to have such conversation continued. (3) The last feeling we mention in the hearts of these friends of Christ was the presentiment of something more than they had yet seen or heard.

II. Consider some of the circumstances in which this request may be offered by us. (1) It may be said to be suitable to the whole earthly life of every Christian. (2) Another time suitable for presenting this request is in approaching the evening of life. (3) This request is suitable to those who live in an age of the world such as ours.

J. Ker, Sermons,2nd series, p. 264.

References: Luke 24:29. J. Vaughan, Fifty Sermons,4th series, p. 40; Homiletic Quarterly,vol. ii., p. 420; Outline Sermons to Children,p. 178.

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