Luke 7:35

Wisdom is justified, i.e.approved, of all her children.

I. None but the children of Wisdom can justify her. What a really unread page is the whole page of nature; what a riddle is providence; what an inscrutable mystery is the method of Divine grace in saving a sinner; what an unreality is the inner life of a spiritual man to anyone in whom there has not yet taken place a certain inward transformation a teaching, purifying, assimilating process. Hence every heart, in its natural state, is always mistaking God, always misjudging Him in everything God says and everything God does. And the misconstruction is always deepening, just in proportion as the subject rises. In the outer circle of God's works there is ignorance, and in the inner circle of His glorious Gospel utter blindness and universal distortion. Just like the children in the market-place, in the music of God's love they see nothing but melancholy; and in the solemn denunciations of His wrath they find no fear.

II. In God's great universe the house of creation all are either servants or children. Everything serves Him. Some of His servants serve as His children. Here is the difference. The servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth; the child does. Wisdom, all wisdom, is justified, vindicated, honoured, loved, understood, of all her children. Therefore, be one of Wisdom's children, and sooner or later the blessed consequence must follow. The dark place in the experience of life, the hard passage of Scripture, the difficulty in the character of that Christian, the offensive doctrine, will all be cleared up. Be the enigma and the difficulty what they may, the declaration is that they shall all be justified in Christ. And the justifying process will go on and on, more and more, till that very wisdom shall come again in His unveiled beauty. At that moment the series will be consummated, when no longer shall He be justified only but glorified in His saints, and admired in all them that believe.

J. Vaughan, Fifty Sermons,2nd series, p. 303.

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