Malachi 3:17

I. Notice the finding of the jewel. Just as the diamond and the gold are hidden among the rocks and earth, mud and sand, and are only found by great labour and trouble, so God's jewels are lost and hidden among vile sins and earthly habits, and shut up in hard, stony hearts; it is with great trouble He discerns them. He sent His Son down from heaven to seek His lost jewels; and He had to come and work in the muddy river-beds and in the dark earth and rocky mines to find them.

II. The fashioning of the jewel. Jesus finds His jewels and snatches them out of their sins, but they are not yet fit to be worn by God. He has to give them over to a most skilful Artificer who purifies and polishes them, and forms them into jewels fit for God to wear. This is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit uses a great variety of means to fashion God's jewels: (1) Water; water is used to cleanse the diamond and the gold. What is the water which the Holy Ghost uses? It is the Word (Ephesians 5:25). (2) Fire; the fire which the Holy Spirit uses is affliction. Affliction melts hearts, and then they flow into God's mould.

III. The wearing of the jewel. Kings and great people who have many jewels keep most of them locked fast; but on great occasions, such as a coronation day, they bring them all out. So there is a day coming when God is to gather together all His jewels and wear them before all eyes. (1) He will rejoice in the beauty of His jewels. (2) He will rejoice in them as a display of His wealth of love.

J. Stalker, The New Song,p. 131.

References: Malachi 3:17. Homiletic Quarterly,vol. i., p. 403; Preacher's Monthly,vol. vi., p. 295; H. V. Macdona, Penny Pulpit,No. 568; Preacher's Monthly,vol. i., p. 447; vol. iv., p. 311.Malachi 3:18. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xxiv., No. 1415.

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