Matthew 10:30

I. Our Saviour's words were evidently intended to convey the general comfort of the truth that His people are exceedingly dear and precious in His sight; that they always live in His thoughts; and that He is interested in, and watches over and superintends, the least possible matter which concerns their happiness. But specially as regards their bodies; for the whole line of thought about the "sparrows" and about the little "hairs" springs out of the words, "Fear not them which kill the body."

II. God never exposes His jewels till He has catalogued them. It is a safe and pleasant thought, that all which goes to make life to us all we prize and hold most dear God has placed it and counted it in His own treasury. It cannot be wronged, and it cannot be injured, and it cannot be touched but He is aware of it; and He has made Himself responsible for it.

III. Seeing then that it is so, we should (1) never be afraid to pray about the little things; (2) never be afraid of feeling ourselves in a centre, about which God is making all kind things to circulate. Do not hesitate to believe that God is working for you in the most express and direct manner possible. (3) And go on without anxiety, for anxiety grieves God. All you love and all you want are in God's registry; and whatever is once written there His glory is committed to it. It is quite safe. (4) And once more, remember all the inner life is there too. The sorrows and the joys, the conflicts and the peace, the earnest longings and the bitter memories, and all the soul's chequered life and shade all are in the record.

J. Vaughan, Fifty Sermons,2nd series, p. 214.

References: Matthew 10:30. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. iv., No. 187; Ibid., My Sermon Notes: Gospels and Acts,p. 30.

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