Matthew 19:14
A Christian must be like a little child. There is very great cause why
we should press this thought upon ourselves now. For we are fallen on
most unchildlike days. The very children are not childlike. An age
partially, but not entirely educated rather, but not very, learned, an
age of... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 19:16
Consider this story as giving us a lesson concerning the connection
between the hope of eternal life, or everlasting happiness, and the
performance of good works.
I. I suppose that the young man in the story thoroughly believed that
the eternal life of which he spoke was the greatest... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 19:16
I. Consider that a single mote may hinder a man from becoming a true
Christian. It is the things which are apparently the smallest that
prevent the greatest results. A slight defect in the finest bell and
it ceases to sound, a lost key and the richest money-chest is useless.
The day of... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 19:17
How are we sinners to be accepted by Almighty God? Doubtless the
sacrifice of Christ on the cross is the meritorious cause of our
justification, and His Church is the ordained instrument of conveying
it to us. But our present question relates to another subject, to our
own part in app... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 19:20
"What lack I yet?" This question is asked by various distinct classes
of men.
I. The first class ask the question, but they understand it wrongly.
Do we not all ask, What lack I yet? Who does not feel that something
is lacking to him? All that makes our earthly life lovely and
pleasa... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 19:22
I. Consider the young man's sorrow. It was not quite so simple as at
first sight appears. No doubt partly he was sorry (1) at the thought
of giving up those large possessions of which he was naturally fond.
But sorrow is seldom a single principle. It scarcely admits of a
question that... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 19:30
The Weapons of Saints.
I. These words are fulfilled under the Gospel in many ways. In the
context they embody a great principle, which we all, indeed,
acknowledge, but are deficient in mastering. Under the dispensation of
the Spirit all things were to become new, and to be reversed.
S... [ Continue Reading ]