Matthew 7:16

The religion of Jesus Christ is one of deeds, not words; a life of action, not of dreaming. Our Lord warns us to beware of any form of religion, in ourselves or others, which does not bring forth good fruit. God does not look for the leaves of profession or the blossoms of promise. He looks for fruit unto holiness. If we are selfish, self-willed, proud, lovers of our own selves, our religion is but the sheep's clothing covering the Wolfish heart, or the white paint hiding the corruption of the sepulchre. It is easy enough to assume the character and manner of a Christian, but to live the Christian life is not so easy. What are some of the fruits which God looks for in the life of a Christian?

I. At the head of all we must place love. If you really try to do God's will it is a proof of your love. A true Christian cannot be selfish. If we love God we shall try to lead others to Him.

II. Another fruit for which God looks in a Christian's life is humility. Every act and word of our Saviour's earthly life teaches us to be humble. Let the haughty, the proud, the self-satisfied man open his Gospel, and he will find a reproof to his pride on every page. We preach humility to others, we expect to see it in others' lives; are we humble ourselves? Have we learnt to walk humbly with our God?

III. Another fruit which God expects in the lives of His people is forgetfulness of self. Let us strive by God's grace to get away from self and the eternal thinking and talking of our own concerns. Even Jesus Christ pleased not Himself, and we are no Christians unless we are trying to forget ourselves and to deny ourselves.

H. J. Wilmot-Buxton, The Life of Duty,vol. ii., p. 69.

References: Matthew 7:16. H. M. Butler, Harrow Sermons,p. 97; C. Kingsley, Village Sermons,p. 276; E. R. Conder, Drops and Rocks,p. 175.Matthew 7:17. Clergyman's Magazine,vol. xv., p. 16. Matthew 7:18. J. Hiles Hitchens, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xvii., p. 99. Matthew 7:20. Preacher's Monthly,vol. vi., p. 33; Thursday Penny Pulpit,vol. ii., p. 253.

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