Nehemiah 4:6

We see in this passage:

I. Co-operation. "The peoplehad a mind to work." Success in war is due to two principles. The one is, Divide your enemy; and the other is, Unite yourselves. In proportion as co-operation has been real and vital, in that proportion has it been crowned with success.

II. Cheerfulness. "The people had a mindto work." (1) Some men think that their function is that of critic or censor. (2) Sometimes people have a mind to speak,but not to work. (3) As they worked with purpose,so they worked with cheerfulness.

III. Success. "And all the wall was joined unto the half thereof."

E. Mellor, The Hem of Christ's Garment,p. 192.

References: 4:7-6:1, Nehemiah 6:14. Homiletic Magazine,vol. xi., p. 342.Nehemiah 4:10. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xx., No. 1156.

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