Numbers 23:9

Numbers 23:9 The subject of prophecy is one which certainly ought not to be altogether neglected. If it were only for the sake of the many appeals made to it by our Lord and His Apostles, it would have a just claim on our attention. I. It is a very misleading notion of prophecy if we regard it as... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 23:10

Numbers 23:10 This is a thought in which all the world would agree, if they could speak out their real feelings. Those who are most backward and unwilling to lead the life of the righteous man even they would wish to die the righteous man's death. I. By the death of the righteous is not meant mere... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 23:11,12

Numbers 23:11 I. Balaam is a heathen prophet; he is certainly not produced as a favourable specimen of one. In the New Testament he is represented as the very type of false and evil teachers. Yet the teaching of Balaam is not ascribed to an evil spirit, but to God; he is not treated as a mere prete... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 23:21

Numbers 23:21 There are three special thoughts which come to us in connection with this text. I. The first is, the absolute need, if the army of the Lord is to conquer, of the presence of the Lord and of the realisation of His presence by those who are called by His name, and wear His armour, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 23:26

Numbers 23:26 I. With all the favourable traits which may be noticed in the character of Balaam, the features of his besetting sin are plainly marked. The power of money over him seems to have been known, and so when he refused to come Balak hoped to overcome his scruples by the bribe of great prom... [ Continue Reading ]

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