Proverbs 20:9
This is a Gospel question before the time of the Gospel. All the great
conditions of the human mind you find as distinctly in the Old
Testament as in the New; all the questions that sharpen themselves
into fierce agonies are in the nature of man, and part of his
constitution. The inqu... [ Continue Reading ]
Proverbs 20:11
I. The actions of children become, in process of time, their own
doings. Children move before they act, and they live as mere animals
before they act spiritually and morally. But in process of time the
child acts. All its movements become conduct, the result of a
determination to beh... [ Continue Reading ]
Proverbs 20:12
I. How the eye tells the brain of the picture which is drawn upon the
back of the eye; how the brain calls up that picture when it likes
these are two mysteries beyond all man's wisdom to explain. These are
two proofs of the wisdom and the power of God which ought to sink
deeper into... [ Continue Reading ]
Proverbs 20:17
There are instances in which a very little practice in evil will make
real wickedness seem to one harmless, to another necessary, to another
almost satisfactory. This is what the wise prince meant by saying the
bread of deceit was sweet. "Yes, it is," says Solomon _and
afterwards?_Ho... [ Continue Reading ]
Proverbs 20:27
God is the fire of this world, its vital principle, a warm pervading
presence everywhere. Of this fire the spirit of man is the candle.
What does that mean? If, because man is of a nature which corresponds
to the nature of God, and just so far as man is obedient to God, the
life of Go... [ Continue Reading ]
Proverbs 20:29
I. The glory of young men is their physical strength. In the great
battle against the kingdom of darkness we want, not only a consecrated
soul, but a strong arm, stout lungs, and vigorous muscle.
II. The glory of young men is their intellectual strength. A man with
any nobleness of... [ Continue Reading ]