Proverbs 24:32

I. When the learner in God's school goes out to observe mankind, he will think of the manner, and cautions, and rules for turning what he sees to the most beneficial account and of the most instructive points to fix his attention upon. (1) Let not his observing be merely of the nature of speculation, not simply a seeing and judging what men are. (2) Another admonition is against prejudice and arrogance in observing and judging. (3) Another is against taking pleasure in perceiving and ascertaining what is wrong in man. (4) Another grand rule is that our observations on other men should not be directed or suffered to go to the effect of our being better pleased with ourselves, with this exception: that if Divine grace has really wrought a work in us, we may well be delighted with that as such.

II. To such general considerations there might be added a variety of more special observations. (1) Think of the probable difference between our judgments of the persons we look upon and their own judgments of themselves. (2) One of the most conspicuous things to be noticed in looking on mankind is how temptation operates and prevails. (3) A prominent and mournful thing to be seen in looking on mankind will be the great errors, the lapses, of good men. "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." (4) In looking on men, observe the effect of situation and circumstances. Look watchfully how men are affected, and who shall dare to say, "I have nothing to fear in a like situation"? (5) Happily there are worthier things here and there: exemplary virtues, graces, wisdom; and it is delightful to turn for instruction to these from the many things that instruct us as being evil. Let these better examples be observed, with attention to understand how they are formed and an earnest effort of imitation.

J. Foster, Lectures,2nd series, p. 29.

References: Proverbs 24:33; Proverbs 24:34. Spurgeon, Evening by Evening,p. 331.Proverbs 25:1. W. Arnot, Laws from Heaven,2nd series, p. 296. Proverbs 25:1. R. Wardlaw, Lectures on Proverbs,vol. iii., p. 143.Proverbs 25:2. Spurgeon, My Sermon Notes: Genesis to Proverbs,p. 187. Proverbs 25:8. R. Wardlaw, Lectures on Proverbs,vol. iii., p. 152.Proverbs 25:11. S. Cox, Expositions,4th series, p. 149. Proverbs 25:13; Proverbs 25:19. W. Arnot, Laws from Heaven,2nd series, p. 303.Proverbs 25:14. R. Wardlaw, Lectures on Proverbs,vol. iii., p. 163.Proverbs 25:15. Clergyman's Magazine,vol. i., p. 224.

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