Proverbs 4:24

First the fountain, then the streams; first the heart and then the life-course. The issues of life are manifold: three of their main channels are mapped out here the "lips," the "eyes," and the "feet."

I. A froward mouth. The form of the precept, "put it away," reveals the secret of our birth. The evil is there at the first in every one. He who is free of it was born free. When a man would erect a temple to God within his own body the first effort of the builder is to clear the rubbish away. Of the tilings from the heart that need to be put away, the first, in the order of nature, is the froward mouth. Words offer the first and readiest egress for evil.

II. The next outlet from the fountain is by the eyes. The precept is quaint in its cast "let thine eyes look right on" and yet its meaning is not difficult. Let the heart's aim be simple and righteous. Both in appearance and in reality let your path be a straightforward one.

III. The last of these issues is by the feet. Ponder, therefore, their path. The best time to ponder any path, is not at the end, nor even at the middle, but at the beginning of it. The right place for weighing the worth of any course is on this side of its beginning. By the word of God paths and actions will be weighed in the judgment. By the word of God, therefore, let paths and actions, great or small, be pondered now.

W. Arnot, Laws from Heaven,1st series, p. 171.

Reference: Proverbs 4:24. J. H. Newman, Parochial and Plain Sermons,vol. iii., p. 190.

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