Psalms 116:1

Psalms 116:1 (1) There are multitudes who are utterly careless about God, in whose minds He exists as the object neither of one feeling nor another, who never think of Him so as either to love Him or be displeased with Him. (2) There are those who think much about God, but, instead of loving Him, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 116:7

Psalms 116:7 The rest of which the text speaks is the rest of a being who has found again his proper and congenial sphere. In reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ the soul regains its lost equilibrium, finds again the centre of repose for which it had been sighing in vain. "Come unto Me, all... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 116:11

Psalms 116:11 The text reveals the psalmist as having passed through the shadow of that mood of mind to which we give the name of cynicism. The great danger is lest the mood should pass into a habit, lest we should nurse it until it becomes a chronic attitude of mind, and we begin to lose the taste... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 116:12,13

Psalms 116:12 The great thought which lies here is that we best requite God by thankfully taking what He gives. I. Note how deep that thought goes into the heart of God. We requite God by taking rather than by giving, not merely because He needs nothing, and we have nothing which is not His. The m... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 116:13

Psalms 116:13 I. We see here, first, God giving. The form which the giving takes in this representation is the hand of God presenting a cup. Goodness is manifested in all God's giving, in the cup of wrath as in the cup of blessing; but the cup of blessing is a revelation of love, God giving. This i... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 116:16

Psalms 116:16 There is service in the very fact and nature of existence. A man whose heart, and mind, and soul are right with God, whose affections are really given to Him, whose intellect grasps Him, and whose inner spiritual life is united to Him that man is truly a servant of God, and in so far... [ Continue Reading ]

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