Psalms 17:3

Psalms 17:3 The religious aspects of night are many. I. Viewed in its relations to the life of man, it strikes us, first of all and pre-eminently, as an interruption. It breaks in upon and suspends human occupations, of whatever kind; it writes on the face of the heavens the veto of God on uninter... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 17:5

Psalms 17:5 The prayer may be regarded as showing (1) the right spirit, (2) the right method, (3) the right purpose, of life. I. In pointing out the right spirit of life, we see humility, dependence, ignorance of the future, etc. II. The right method of life is based on (1) devotion; (2) trust in... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 17:13

Psalms 17:13 I. If any are tempted to ask why the ungodly sometimes have such power and do so much evil, here is an answer. The ungodly in power is a sort of public hangman or executioner, who is appointed to do the vile but necessary scavenger work of the universe, the destroying and clearing away... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 17:14

Psalms 17:14 The general purport of the expression "a man of the world" will be allowed to be that which is evidently David's meaning in the text: a man who has no spiritual yearnings, no holy aspirations; a mere earthworm, selfish, sordid, and greedy of gain; whose supreme and only thought is to m... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 17:15

Psalms 17:15 Notice: I. The date of the satisfaction. "When I awake." The intermediate state is often in the Bible called sleep. It is a metaphor, chosen not to describe a state of unconsciousness, but to illustrate the peace and the calm of that blessed interval in which the soul and the body, se... [ Continue Reading ]

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