Psalms 18:28

Psalms 18:28 There are three dark shadows which fall across every human life. I. There is, first of all, the shadow of sin. It falls dark and thick upon the life of human beings. Sin is the transgression in will or in fact of the eternal moral law, of that law which, unlike the law of nature, coul... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 18:30

Psalms 18:30 I. Consider this great and deep utterance in application to God's material works. Let us look at the various phenomena that are around us, and we shall see that the light, and air, and heat, and cold, and the heavenly bodies, the laws of electricity, the various kinds of climate under... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 18:35

Psalms 18:35 Consider how the gentleness of a loving correction makes God's children great. For we ought, all of us, to wish to be great great in the school of Christ, great in the Divine life, great in holiness, great in usefulness. There could not be a worse mistake than telling any Christian to... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 18:50

Psalms 18:50 This is Christ's resurrection psalm; He is the King, and the deliverance spoken of not in this verse only, but frequently throughout the Psalm, is specially His deliverance, His deliverance as the Representative of His own. It is a psalm of deliverance or salvation; the two words are t... [ Continue Reading ]

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