Psalms 18:50

This is Christ's resurrection psalm; He is the King, and the deliverance spoken of not in this verse only, but frequently throughout the Psalm, is specially His deliverance, His deliverance as the Representative of His own. It is a psalm of deliverance or salvation; the two words are the same. The whole history of the Bible from beginning to end pertains to what God calls deliverance.

I. First of all, we find in David's history a history of deliverance. David was a man of like passions with ourselves, not faultless, not perfect, but falling again and again into sin, and yet plucked out of that iniquity into which he fell by the interposing hand of Him who had great deliverances always in store for him.

II. Israel's history is a history of deliverance, and very remarkably so. Each section of Israel's history contains a gospel for us. Each one of Israel's deliverances proclaims glad tidings of great joy to us in our weakness, weariness, and exposure to continual danger from enemies on the right hand and on the left.

III. Then you have, in the third place, Christ's history as a history of deliverance, Messiah's history. His deliverances were ours, and as such we are to regard them, and to triumph in them. He was saved from the hands of His enemies that we also might be saved.

IV. The history of the Church is a history of deliverance deliverances just at the time when she was lowest, deliverances which put a new song in her mouth, and sent her on a new career of gladness and usefulness.

V. The history of each believer is a history of deliverance deliverance from first to last, deliverance at the hand of the faithful Deliverer, He who came in the name of the Lord to save us, who is able to save unto the uttermost them that come unto God by Him.

H. Bonar, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xv., p. 177.

References: Psalms 18 A. Maclaren, Life of David,p. 153; I. Williams, The Psalms Interpreted of Christ,p. 315.Psalms 19:1. R. Lee, Sermons,pp. 279, 294, 308, 325, 342, 359; G. Brooks, Outlines of Sermons, p. 195.

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