Psalms 19:10

I. The value of the law, as compared with gold, may be measured by the good it does; its honey sweetness by its manner of doing it.

II. The twofold commendation of the law in ver. 10 may be taken in connection with what follows as well as with what goes before (ver. 11). (1) "By them is Thy servant warned." This makes them in my esteem more to be desired than gold, yea, than much fine gold. If I am the servant of Jehovah, I desire to be continually warned, admonished at every step, reminded of duty, cautioned against danger. (2) "And in keeping of them there is great reward." This explains their being sweeter than honey. The service is the reward begun; the reward is the service perfected. In serving now, amid whatever sufferings, I have a taste of heaven's joy.

R. S. Candlish, The Gospel of Forgiveness,p. 153.

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