Psalms 56:12

I. The motive. "Thou hast delivered my soul from death."

II. The obligation. "Thy vows are upon me, O Lord." The Christian who would be a Christian indeed must not be ashamed of the yoke of Christ.

III. The cheerfulness of this spirit of self-sacrifice finds its legitimate expression in praise, and its ardour in a prevailing desire to "walk before God."

W. M. Punshon, Sermons,2nd series, p. 300.

References: Psalms 56:12; Psalms 56:13. J. R. Macduff, Communion Memories,p. 218. Psalms 57:4. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xxv., No. 1496. Psalms 57:7. J. Jackson Wray, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xxi., p. 360. Psalms 57:8. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xvii., No. 996; J. Irons, Thursday Penny Pulpit,vol. x., p. 173; J. B. Heard, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xxvi., p. 332.Psalms 57 A. Maclaren, Life of David,p. 119; C. Kingsley, Westminster Sermons,p. 302.

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