Psalms 78:20

Psalms 78:20 Notice what kind of unbelief is here. It does not deny the past fact. It acknowledges that God has done a miracle of mercy. But in that miracle it finds no such revelation of God Himself and His perpetual character and love as gives assurance that He will again be powerful and merciful... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:34-37

Psalms 78:34 I. It is a subject well worthy of the serious consideration of all persons who desire to be in the safe way of salvation how commonly it happens that the best intentions and resolutions, made in times of danger and affliction, are thought little or nothing more of when the alarm is ove... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:41

Psalms 78:41 I. Ever since the fall of man, there has been a natural tendency in the human heart to "limit the Holy One of Israel." This is the crime of idolatry and of heathenism. This was the contest of the Hebrew worship with the surrounding nations. Let _us_beware how we create an image of God... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:69

Psalms 78:69 I. Stability and permanence are, perhaps, the especial ideas which a church brings before the mind. It represents, indeed, the beauty, the loftiness, the calmness, the mystery, and the sanctity of religion also, and that in many ways. Still, more than all these, it represents to us its... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 78:70

Psalms 78:70 I. Consider David's calling. The words of the text form the clearest and grandest explanation of the wonderful process by which the unknown shepherd became Israel's greatest king. Two questions present themselves here: (1) How was David's shepherd life an unconscious preparation for his... [ Continue Reading ]

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