Psalms 90

This Psalm sets out with the definite statement of a theologic doctrine: the doctrine of the eternity of God.

I. This splendid thought of the Divine eternity is made to touch the shifting and inconstant character of our earthly state by the single word "dwelling-place." Here God's eternity opens itself to our needs.

II. A correct view of the eternity of God conveys warning as well as comfort. (1) The eternal power of God convicts us of helplessness. (2) The eternal being of God convicts us of delusions. "Teach us to number our days," etc.

III. In Psalms 90:7 man is represented not as unfortunate, but as guilty, not as the victim of accident, but as the subject of punishment.

IV. The last five verses bring us back to the starting-point of the Psalm. Whither shall a sinful, short-lived man flee but to a holy and eternal God? Thither turns the prayer of these last five verses, and turns with hope and confidence. Man is the subject of God's wrath, but there is mercy with Him to satisfy him who flees from the wrath to come.

M. R. Vincent, Gates into the Psalm Countryp. 199.

References: Psalms 90 A. B. Bruce, Expositor,1st series, vol. ix., p. 361; F. Tholuck, Hours of Devotion,p. 483.

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