Psalms 91:1

Psalms 91:1 These are the words of one who had known almost more than any other man of the shafts of unkindness, and the arrows of death, and the cruel torments of life. None, probably, save only David's Son, ever equalled David in the degree in which he had passed through all the sympathies of our... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 91:1,2

Psalms 91:1 Three parties speak in this Psalm: the witness for God, the brother in peril, and God Himself. I. The witness for God, the sympathising friend of the party exposed to danger, speaking from his own experience, declares generally, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High sha... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 91:13

Psalms 91:13 The definite promise, "Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the dragon," was a reference not only to reptiles and wild beasts of outward evil, but to evils in which the deadliness of vice is concentrated in our individual hearts: evil thoughts, and deeds, and habits which assail and hurt... [ Continue Reading ]

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