Revelation 3:7

Revelation 3:7 Little Strength and his Victory: _Children's Sermon._ St. John, in writing to the Churches of Asia, is only able to send two letters of unmixed praise: one to Smyrna and the other to Philadelphia. These letters were addressed to the angel of the Churches that, no doubt, was to the b... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:11

Revelation 3:11 Divine Decrees.. I. Not long before the fall and treachery of Judas, Christ pronounced a blessing, as it seemed, upon all the twelve Apostles, the traitor included. Who would not have thought from this promise, taken by itself and without reference to the eternal rule of God's gover... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:12

Revelation 3:12 The Pillar in God's Temple. I. "To him that overcometh," reads the promise; and the first thing that we want to understand is what the struggle is in which the victory is to be won. It is the Saviour Christ who speaks. His voice comes out of the mystery and glory of heaven to the Ch... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:14

Revelation 3:14 Consider the word with which the Lord's prayer closes the word "Amen." It is the _signalem conscientiæ,_the seal of our faith; it is the _votem desiderii,_the fervency of our longing; it is the stamp of our sincerity upon every prayer we use. In the Gospel of St. John, no less than t... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:15

Revelation 3:15 Lukewarmness. I. The first alarming symptom of lukewarmness is a growing inattention to the private duties of religion. And among these are private prayer, the study of the Bible, and self-examination. The lukewarm Christian begins by omitting his private devotions on the mornings... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:17

Revelation 3:17 Two Kinds of Sight. I. It is the striking contrast in these words to which I would draw your attention, the wonderful difference between the real state and the fancied state, and more especially to one word which is the key to the whole: that sin is blind: blind in a world of beauty... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:19

Revelation 3:15 , REVELATION 3:19 I. Look at the loving rebuke of the faithful Witness: "Thou art neither cold nor hot." We are manifestly there in the region of emotion. The metaphor applies to feeling. We talk of warmth of feeling, ardour of affection, fervour of love, and the like; and the opposi... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:20

Revelation 3:20 Christ at the Door. Consider, in the first place, the account which Christ gives of His dealings with men: He stands at the door and knocks; in the second place, the promise which He makes to such as yield to His solicitation: "I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with Me... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:21

Revelation 3:21 The Close of the Year. I. "He that overcometh." Then there is light shining in and struggling with the darkness a conflict year-long and lifelong, which, though it has its defeats, may have its victories also, which, though its outward aspect is gloomy, may issue in glory, and honou... [ Continue Reading ]

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