Revelation 5:6
The Lamb Slain in the Midst of the Throne.
I. The sacrificial offering of Jesus Christ is recognised in heaven.
Think as men may of the theme of redemption through atoning blood, it
is acknowledged in its reality and perceived in its glory by the
dwellers in a higher and purer sphere... [ Continue Reading ]
Revelation 5:8
The End of the Redeemed.
I. Such a vision as that of the text is intended, we cannot doubt, to
form a ground of hope and of encouragement in the progressive
advancement of our spiritual life. Our nature is possessed of an
instinct ever looking forward to the end of our course, with p... [ Continue Reading ]
Revelation 5:9
Wherein consists the value of man as man? The text calls our attention
to two salient points which are to be found in that valuation, two
capacities that belong to us all.
I. Man can think; man can pray; man can live; man can will. That power
of thought, that power of will, above al... [ Continue Reading ]