Romans 14:5

Romans 14:5 Scruples. I. We are all liable at various times to be troubled with perplexities about our duty, not because we find it hard or unpleasant, but because we cannot clearly see our way, and this perplexity sometimes amounts to something like darkness, and causes much fear. It is sometimes... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:7

Romans 14:7 I. Look at the text as it is interpreted for us by the section of the Epistle to the Romans in which it is found. That section is devoted to an elucidation of the principles by which the early Christians were to be guided as to their observance or non-observance of particular festival da... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:7-9

Romans 14:7 I. First among the causes of the gospel's triumph, if it be not rather the sole cause, is that the belief in the crucifixion and resurrection was not a bare profession, but a real inward life. That some new principle was really working in and fashioning the minds of believers is always a... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:8

Romans 14:8 I. What is meant by this strange word "unto"? We live "unto the Lord." It seems to impart at once into the phrase an air of unfamiliarity if not of actual unreality. I will try and explain this. The right and full understanding of it indeed would make any one a master of St. Paul's phil... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:17

Romans 14:17 In this verse of Scripture joy is not the first but the last of three. Joy is the home in which the pilgrim rests; righteousness and peace are the paths by which he reaches it. I. Righteousness. It is the want of righteousness, or guilt, that disturbs our peace or damps our joy. Here... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 14:19

Romans 14:19 (R.V.) I. This was wise counsel, and counsel that we cannot doubt was in accordance with the mind of Christ. But it has not been much heeded in the Church. Of course there have been peaceable and charitable spirits here and there, who have looked with kindliness and respect on those fr... [ Continue Reading ]

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