Song of Solomon 6:11

I. The Church is a garden in a valley. This sets forth (1) the nature of her distinction; (2) the sufficiency of the protection which she enjoys; (3) the abundance of her supplies; (4) the lowliness of her condition.

II. We have in this text Christ in the valley with His Church. He is with her (1) in the valley of temptation; (2) in the valley of tribulation; (3) in the valley of death.

III. The text shows us Christ in His Church, looking for evidences. He comes to see (1) the characteristics of true piety; (2) the diversity of true gifts; (3) the different developments of true life.

W. H. Burton, Penny PulpitNo. 741

References: Song of Solomon 6:11. J. M. Neale, Sermons on the Song of Songs,p. 275; S. Baring-Gould, Village Preaching for a Year,vol. ii., p. 51.Song of Solomon 6:12. Spurgeon, Sermons,vol. xx., No. 1155.Song of Solomon 6:13. Ibid.,vol. x., No. 593, and vol. xxx., No. 1794; S. Baring-Gould, Village Preaching for a Year,vol. ii., p. 256.

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