Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae
1 Chronicles 29:2
1 Chronicles 29:2. Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God.
THERE is no end to the benefits which we may derive from Scripture history. What if our situation and circumstances be different from those which are there adverted to? the advantage to be received from the relation of them is not a whit the less: on the contrary, it often happens, that the voice of God in them is on that very account the more powerful. Take, for instance, the example before us. David, of his own mind, desired to build a temple for the Lord: and he was forbidden to do it: yet “with all his might he prepared for it;” though it was never to be done till he should be removed to a better world. It may be said, and with truth, that we are not, nor are at all likely to be, in circumstances like his: yet will his example be found of very peculiar use, whilst I set before you,
I. The zeal he manifested for the building of a material temple to the Lord—
Though forbidden to execute his wishes, he was not forbidden to prepare for the execution of them by his son and successor on the throne of Israel. He, therefore, availed himself of the wealth and influence which God had given him, himself to contribute, out of his own personal property, above eighteen millions of our money; and to promote a similar liberality amongst his subjects, who contributed above thirty millions. The amount of both together was fifty millions of pounds. Now, it may be asked, On what principle did he proceed? And why should he so strip both himself and his people of their possessions, for the purpose of raising a structure to the Lord? I answer, he did it,
1. To honour God—
[David had built for himself a noble palace: and he could not endure to live in a house of cedar himself, whilst the ark, which was the symbol of the divine presence, “dwelt between curtains.” True, no earthly house could be a fit habitation for Him who filleth heaven and earth: but still it was more seemly that there should be for God a fixed abode: and by making it “exceeding magnifical,” it would become an object of admiration to all the surrounding nations. It would also fill with reverence all his own people; and thus be the means of honouring God among them, and of exalting in their esteem its Divine Inhabitant. And was not this an object worthy to be promoted, whatever might be the trouble, or whatever the expense?]
2. To bring down a blessing upon his whole land—
[Greatly would it facilitate the access of all the people to their God, especially when they should come up annually, at the three appointed seasons, to worship there. And much would they see that would afford them abundant edification. Indeed, the candlesticks and lavers that were used in the tabernacle were multiplied ten-fold in the temple: and the accommodations for the worshippers would be enlarged, perhaps an hundred-fold. Whilst, therefore, the very sight or that magnificent structure would fill them with reverential awe, they would derive exceeding great comfort and encouragement from the increased facilities of social worship. And, beyond a doubt, in proportion as they delighted in drawing nigh to God, God would delight in drawing nigh to them; and in proportion as they sought him, he would be found of them, and pour out his benefits upon them.
And could a monarch improve his wealth and influence better than in such a work? No, surely: no labour, however great, nor any sacrifice, however costly, would be ill bestowed in the advancement of so blessed and desirable an end. Millions of gold and silver were well appropriated to a cause like this.]
But greater far is,
The zeal that becomes us in raising a spiritual temple in his name—
In reference to this work, no prohibition is issued to any living soul; but, on the contrary, a commandment is given to all. And infinitely more does it deserve our utmost exertions: we all are called to aid in raising this nobler edifice—
[Yes, a nobler edifice it is indeed!
Its foundation is more solid. The material temple, doubtless, was built on a foundation well fitted for its support. But Jesus Christ is, “the foundation laid in Zion:” on him must we raise the edifice [Note: Isaiah 28:16.]; or rather “on the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone [Note: Ephesians 2:20.].”
Its materials are more precious. Doubtless of timber and stone there was the most careful selection that could be made. But our temple consists of “living stones [Note: 1 Peter 2:4.],” every one of them penetrated by the Spirit of God, and animated with the very life that is in Christ Jesus [Note: Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:3.].
Its architect is more honourable. Bezaliel and Aholiab are immortalized by their unrivalled skill. But of the Temple in which our assistance is required, it must be said, “Its Builder and Maker is God [Note: Hebrews 11:10.].” There is not a stone belonging to it which has not been hewn out of the quarry by God himself, and formed and fashioned by Him who built the universe: so true is that declaration of the Apostle, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works [Note: Ephesians 2:10.].”
Far nobler sacrifices, too, are offered in it. All the cattle upon a thousand hills were not worthy to be compared with the sacrifice of a broken and contrite spirit. “With every such offering God is well pleased:” and the temple itself is infinitely more raised in his esteem, on account of the offerings presented there [Note: Isaiah 66:1.]. Not one is ever inflamed with his heavenly fire, but the odours of it ascend up before him with acceptance, and are “well pleasing to him through Jesus Christ [Note: Psalms 51:17.].”
The manifestations of God in it are also more bright. True, in the material temple, God so filled it, that the priests could no longer stop to minister there [Note: 1 Kings 8:10.]. But in his spiritual temple he dwells, not by a bright cloud, the symbol of his presence, but by his own immediate presence; making it “his habitation through the Spirit [Note: Ephesians 2:22.],” and displaying to the view of every faithful worshipper “all the glory of the Godhead in the face of Jesus Christ [Note: 2 Corinthians 3:18.].
The whole economy of it, also, is more lasting. The material temple has been so entirely destroyed, that not even its site can now be accurately ascertained. But the spiritual Temple shall endure for ever, as we are told by the beloved Apostle: “I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and he will be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away [Note: Revelation 21:3.].” The Romans utterly subverted the one: but not all the power and policy of hell shall ever prevail against the other.]
What zeal, then, can be too great, in promoting such a work as this?
[Did David “prepare with all his might for the house which he was forbidden to construct?” Surely we should spare no labour and no cost in advancing the work to which we are called. We should devote to it both our persons and our property, our persons doubtless in the first instance [Note: 2 Corinthians 8:5.]; for without that sacrifice, all the wealth of kingdoms would be a vain and empty, yea, a hateful and detestable offering [Note: Isaiah 66:3.Romans 12:1.]: but with that, we must present also our gold and our silver, to the utmost extent of our power [Note: ver. 13, 14.]. It cannot be that men should go forth to preach the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles, all over the world, at their own cost: nor can the Holy Scriptures be translated into all languages, and be dispersed over all countries, without great and liberal contributions. But if David and his subjects gave so richly of their substance to raise a temple of wood and stone, and even adored God for giving them the inclination and ability to contribute [Note: 2 Corinthians 8:3. If there were only 12,5001. raised, as for the London Society, it would occupy the space of 4000 years! How little do we, for the souls of God’s Ancient People, in comparison of David!], much more should we be willing to give all that we can spare—I had almost said, all that we possess, for the advancing of God’s kingdom over the face of the whole earth.
Shall it be thought that our present contributions are large? Suppose them to be fifty thousand a year; there will be a lapse of a thousand years before we have collected what David and his servants gave, before so mach as a single stone was laid.
Shall it be said, as it often is, in reference to the Millennium, “It will not take place in our day?” Be it so, if you please: yet learn from David, that that consideration, even if it were certain, should not induce you in the least degree to relax your exertions. You should still “prepare for it with all your might,” and help it forward to the utmost of your power — — —
If any one say, “I can do nothing towards that great work;” let him know, that he has at least one Temple to prepare, even his own soul, which must, ere it can be happy, become “a Temple of the living God [Note: 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19.]:” that you must prepare, by penitence and faith, to be the habitation of Almighty God [Note: 2 Corinthians 6:16.]. But take care that “Christ be the foundation on winch you build; for there neither is, nor can be, any other [Note: 1 Corinthians 3:11.].” Take care, also, what your superstructure is: “If it be hay, straw, stubble, it will be burnt up. It must be of gold, and silver, and precious stones,” in order to be approved of the Lord [Note: 1 Corinthians 3:12.]. Take care, also, not to retain in your bosom any evil disposition. God could not endure that his temple of old should be defiled; much less will he suffer with impunity any lusts to be harboured in the soul of man: “If any man defile the Temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the Temple of God is holy: which Temple ye are [Note: John 2:13; 1 Corinthians 3:17.].” I call on every one of you, then, to be “workers together with God” in this sacred cause [Note: 2 Corinthians 6:1.]: and, “whatever your hand findeth to do, do it with all your might [Note: Ecclesiastes 9:10.].”]