Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae
Acts 13:32,33
Acts 13:32. We declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers, God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus again; as it is also written in the second Psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.
THE resurrection of Christ was the foundation whereon the whole edifice of our religion was built. To that Jesus himself directed his Disciples to look forward as the evidence of his Messiahship; and, after he had risen, he appeared to them repeatedly for the space of forty days, that they might be enabled to testify of it with the fullest assurance. A select number were chosen by him for the very purpose of bearing witness to this wonderful event: and because St. Paul had not enjoyed the same advantage as the other Apostles, he was favoured with a vision of his Lord long after his removal from the sight of all other mortals, in order that he, as well as the others, might be able to testify of it from ocular demonstration.
In the words before us he speaks of Christ’s resurrection,
I. As an accomplishment of prophecy—
The passage quoted by the Apostle is very properly applied to this subject—
[The Psalms were in the Apostle’s days arranged in the same order as they now stand. And the scope of the second Psalm is to declare the triumph of Jesus over all his enemies by means of his resurrection from the grave, and of his consequent exaltation to the right hand of God. And he might well be said to be “begotten” in the day of his resurrection, because he was then formed anew, as it were, from the earth.]
It is confirmed also by many other passages that predict the same truth—
[As it was fore-ordained by God, so it was foretold in a variety of ways. Sometimes it was exhibited in types [Note: Isaac, being put to death, as it were, by his own father, was received again from the dead in a figure, Hebrews 11:19. Jonah was raised again on the third day from the belly of a fish, Matthew 12:39. The living bird that was let loose after having been dipped in the blood of the bird that had been slain, represented Jesus as ascending to heaven with his own blood, Leviticus 14:51; Leviticus 14:53. with Hebrews 9:12.], and sometimes in prophecies [Note: ver. 34, 35. with Isaiah 55:3. which certainly must include the resurrection of him that was to be “the leader and commander;” and Psalms 16:10. which is so largely commented upon by St. Peter, Acts 2:25.]. In one Scripture, not quoted indeed in this place, but cited no less than six times in the New Testament, this marvellous event was predicted in terms so plain that none could misunderstand it, who did not obstinately shut their eyes against the truth [Note: Psalms 118:22. with Luke 20:17.]
We must not however suppose this to be an uninteresting fact: for the Apostle further speaks of it,
As glad tidings to the soul—
To the disconsolate Disciples the tidings of Christ’s resurrection were doubtless exceeding joyful. But they ought to be no less so to us, since that event ascertains,
1. The virtue of his sacrifice—
[Had he not risen, his death had been in vain [Note: 1 Corinthians 15:14; 1 Corinthians 15:17.]. We could have had no evidence that our debt was discharged, if our Surety had not been liberated from the prison of the grave. But his resurrection clearly proved that he had satisfied the demands of law and justice, and it thereby affords us a ground of assured hope, and triumphant exultation [Note: Romans 4:25; Romans 8:34.]
2. The sufficiency of his power—
[If he were still dead, it would be in vain to look to him for help. But, when he has raised up himself [Note: John 10:17.], and spoiled all the principalities and powers of hell [Note: Colossians 2:15.], and been exalted on purpose that he might be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins [Note: Acts 5:31.], what may we not expect at his hands? Surely he is declared thereby to be the Son of God with power [Note: Romans 1:4.], and to be able to save us to the uttermost [Note: Hebrews 7:25.]. Let us only seek to know him in the power of his resurrection [Note: Philippians 3:10.], and nothing shall be impossible unto us [Note: Mark 9:23.]
3. The certainty of our own resurrection to dwell with him—
[Our resurrection depended altogether upon his: if he had not risen, neither should we have risen: but because he rose, we shall rise also. Christ is the first-fruits, which, while it sanctified, assured also, the whole harvest [Note: 1 Corinthians 15:20.]. He is our forerunner, who is gone to heaven to prepare places for us, and will come again to raise us to the possession of them [Note: Hebrews 6:20; John 14:2.]. We therefore may consider death and the grave as vanquished for us, and look forward to the complete triumph which we ourselves shall have over them in the last day [Note: 1 Corinthians 15:53.]. Because he liveth, we may he sure that we shall live also [Note: John 14:19.]
As a further improvement of this passage, permit me to observe,
How deeply are we interested in the writings of the Old Testament!
[In them are promises of which we receive the accomplishment. The word of God is not of private interpretation [Note: 2 Peter 1:20.], as though it belonged only to this or that individual. Many parts doubtless had a peculiar reference to those to whom they were spoken; but none an exclusive reference. Let us then embrace the promises as spoken to ourselves [Note: Compare Joshua 1:5. with Hebrews 13:5.], and expect the fulfilment of them to our own souls.]
2. How thankful should we be for a preached Gospel!
[Many, when the Gospel is preached to them, are ready to exclaim, “We beseech thee, torment us not [Note: Matthew 8:29 and Luke 8:28.].” Yes, they look on faithful ministers as “the troublers of Israel [Note: 1 Kings 18:17.].” But the scope of our ministry is to “declare glad tidings,” even to proclaim a crucified, and an exalted Saviour. Let any one contemplate the foregoing subject, and see whether it do not afford matter for rejoicing — — — Let men only forsake their sins, and we have not a word to utter which will not administer to them an occasion of joy. In this light the resurrection of our Lord was viewed by the first Disciples. And are not they “our fathers, and we their children?” Yes; we are all of one family, all united to one Head [Note: Ephesians 1:10; Hebrews 12:23.], and all heirs of the same glory: and, if we only cleave to the Saviour as they did, we may confidently expect the blessings which they enjoyed, and may look forward with joy to that time, when we shall sit down with all the patriarchs and prophets in the kingdom of our God for ever [Note: Matthew 8:11. Luke 13:28].]