ACTS 3:19 eivj
Despite Ropes’s declaration that “the only ground of decision
[between proj (a B) and eij (all other witnesses)] is the relative
value ascribed to the opposing groups [of witnesses],”...
Verse Acts 3:19. _REPENT YE THEREFORE_] Now that ye are convinced that
this was the Messiah, let your _minds be changed_, and your hearts
become contrite for the sins you have committed.
REPENT YE - See the notes on Matthew 3:2.
THEREFORE - Because of your sin in putting Jesus to death, and
“because” he is the Messiah, and God through him is willing to
show mercy to the chief of sinn...
_ 1. The Healing of the lame Man (Acts 3:1)._
2. Peter's address and appeal (Acts 3:12).
The lame man, forty years old, at the gate called Beautiful is the
type of the moral condition of t...
Acts 3:12. The Facts. The idea and arrangement of the speech closely
resemble that of Acts 2:14; it exhibits the style of controversy with
the Jews. The hearers are addressed as men o...
"Now, brothers, I know that it was through ignorance that you did it,
just as your rulers did. But God has thus fulfilled those things which
he foretold by the mouths of all the prophets that his anoi...
A NOTABLE DEED IS DONE (Acts 3:1-10)...
REPENT. Greek. _metanoeo._ App-111.
BE CONVERTED. turn ye again (to Me). Jeremiah 3:7; Jeremiah 3:14;
Jeremiah 3:22, &c
THAT, &C. Literally for (Greek. _eis._ App-104.) the blotting out.
_Repent ye therefore_ i e. because you see the greatness of your
_and be converted_ Lit. _turn again_, i.e. from the evil of your ways.
The word _convert_has received much ongrowth of meanin...
ΜΕΤΑΝΟΉΣΑΤΕ, _repent_; seeing how great your offence is,
but yet that sin done in ignorance may be pardoned.
ἘΠΙΣΤΡΈΨΑΤΕ. Literally, _turn again_, i.e. from the evil
of your ways. So (Acts 11:21) ‘a...
_RECOGNIZING THEIR DUTY TO GOD ACTS 3:19-26:_ The people were told to
repent and be converted, so that their sins might be blotted out.
Refreshment, joy, and peace come with the blotting out of sins....
ΜΕΤΑΝΟΉΣΑΤΕ _aor. imper. act. от_ ΜΕΤΑΝΟΈΩ
(G3340) изменять мнение, каяться (_см._ Matthew
_Aor. imper._ призывает к специфическому
действию с оттенком срочности.
ΈΠΙΣΤΡΈΨΑΤΕ _aor. imper. act....
REPENT YE THEREFORE, &C.— Dr. Benson paraphrases these verses thus:
"As there is great ground for hope and encouragement, let me intreat
of you to _repent,_ and immediately accept of Jesus as the Mess...
Acts 3:11
And as he held Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them
in the porch that is called Solomon'S, greatly wondering.
Acts 3:12
And when Peter sa...
19-21. Having now fully demonstrated the Messiahship of Jesus, and
exposed the criminality of those of who had condemned him, the apostle
next presents to his hearers the conditions of pardon. (19) "_...
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted
out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the
13 The word "Boy" is here used because it, like its Greek equivalent,
may be used both of a child and a servant. The common version renders
it _ servant_, _ child _ and _ son_. Each of these, however,...
1-26. Healing of the lame man. Speech of Peter. St. Luke here singles
out from the multitude of 'wonders and signs done by the Apostles'
(Acts 2:43), the one which led to the firs...
WHEN THE TIMES OF REFRESHING] RV 'that so there may come seasons of
refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the
Christ who hath been appointed for you, even Jesus.' The idea tha...
PETER'S SPEECH. Peter affirms that the miracle has been performed
through faith in Jesus, who, though crucified, was truly the Messiah,
as was shown by His Resurrection. The Apostle takes a lenient vi...
V1 One day, Peter and John were going to the *Temple to pray. This
was at three o’clock in the afte...
REPENT YE THEREFORE, AND BE CONVERTED. — The latter word, though
occurring both in the Gospels and Epistles, is yet pre-eminently
characteristic of the Acts, in which it occurs eleven times, and, with...
ἐπιστρέψατε : “turn again,” R.V.; _cf._ also Matthew
13:15; Mark 4:12, and Acts 28:27 (Luke 22:32), in each of these
passages, as in the text, A.V., “should be c
Acts 3:11-26
Peter's sermon was delivered in the eastern colonnade of the Temple.
It derived its name probably from the fact that Solomon's Porch had
originally occupied that site. Th...
The men at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple is the illustration of a
constant fact: approximation to God is a habit of humanity in its
need. Mendicants are not often found at the doors where an infide...
A Call To Repentance
On the basis of the great miracle worked in their midst and the
undeniable fact of Christ's resurrection, Peter appealed to the
multitude to turn from their sinful lives and be co...
19. _“Repent, therefore, and turn unto the blotting out of your
sins, in order that times of soul-renewing may come from the face of
the Lord.”_ In repentance the sinner gives up all...
And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it, as did also
your rulers. (18) But those things, which God before had showed by the
mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he h...
First of all we see man in an entirely new place man risen from among
the dead and ascending to heaven. The risen ascended man, Christ
Jesus, is the new starting-point of the dealings of God. The firs...
‘Repent ye, therefore, and be converted, that your sius may be
blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence
of the Lord, and He shall send Jesus...
19._Repent _We must note, that when he exhorteth unto repentance, he
doth also declare that there is remission of sins prepared for them
before the face of God. For, as I said of late, no man can be s...
In Chapter 3 the Spirit addresses His testimony to the people by the
mouth of Peter. God still acted in patience towards His foolish
people, and with more than patience. He acts in grace towards them,...
REPENT YE THEREFORE,.... The Ethiopic version adds, "and be baptized",
Acts 2:38,
AND BE CONVERTED. The apostle's sense is, repent of the sin of
crucifying Christ, which is what he had been charging...
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted
out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the
Ver. 19. _Repent and be converted_] The first word com...
_Repent ye, therefore_, &c. Let it, therefore, be your principal and
immediate care to secure an interest in the benefits procured by his
death; and in order thereto, repent of this and all your other...
BE CONVERTED; turn from all your sins to the love and service of God.
WHEN THE TIMES OF REFRESHING SHALL COME; the connection of these words
with the following verses shows that their primary referenc...
In this great work the apostles were not dealing only with large
numbers. As Peter and John went to the temple, not to speak, but at
the mid afternoon hour of prayer, they contacted a man lame from hi...
Acts 3:19
1. Parallel with Acts 2:38
Acts 2:38...
Repent ye therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted
out, that so there may come seasons of refreshing from the presence of
the Lord;
'REPENT'-3340. metanoeo met-an-o-eh'-o; from 3326 a...
19-21 The absolute necessity of repentance is to be solemnly charged
upon the consciences of all who desire that their sins may be blotted
out, and that they may share in the refreshment which nothin...
REPENT YE THEREFORE, AND BE CONVERTED; this is the true end, use, and
application, both of the preceding miracle and sermon, to persuade
unto repentance and conversion. THAT YOUR SINS MAY BE BLOTTED O...
19-21. Having now fully demonstrated the Messiahship of Jesus, and
exposed the criminality of those of who had condemned him, the apostle
next presents to his hearers the conditions of pardon. (19) "_...
Tertullian On the Resurrection of the Flesh
speaking of (Him as) God It is to these same times that Peter in the
Acts refers, when he says: "Repent ye therefore, and be converted,
that your sins may b...
Acts 3:19 Repent G3340 (G5657) therefore G3767 and G2532 converted
G1994 (G5657) that G1519 your G5216 sins...
“Repent you therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted
out, that so there may come seasons of refreshing from the presence of
the Lord, and that he may send the Christ who has been appoi...
As in his first message Peter first refers back to the past, but this
time it is to ‘the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob', the ones who
had receive...
Acts 3:19. REPENT YE THEREFORE (οῧν). Seeing, then, that your
guilt, great though it be, does not shut you out from pardon and
reconciliation in the blood of the Messiah, whom in ignorance you
_Second Discourse of St. Peter,_ 12-26.
This second sermon of St. Peter is even more briefly reported than the
first. Compared with the summary Divine wisdom has preserved for us in
the ‘Acts,' it mus...
(μετανοησατε ουν). Peter repeats to this new crowd the
command made in Acts 2:38 which see. God's purpose and patience call
for instant change of attitude on their part. Their guil...
"Namely, seasons in which, through the appearance of the Messiah in
His kingdom, there shall occur blessed rest and refreshment for the
people of God." -- Heinrich A. W. Meyer.
Acts 3:12
The speech of Peter may be regarded in four aspects:
I. As showing the false method of looking at human affairs. "As though
through our own power of holiness we had made this man to walk....
Acts 3
The Lame Man Healed
We are reminded by this incident:
I. That there are some things more valuable than money. Peter with his
gift of healing was of infinitely greater service to this lame ma...
Acts 3:19 , ACTS 3:21
The Restitution of All Things will be:
I. A clearing away of suffering. Earth shall be restored to its
original beauty; its face shall be wiped from tears; its scarred and
You remember, dear friends, how Peter denied his Lord in the time of
his trial. Now notice what a change was wrought in him after the Holy
Spirit had fallen upon him on the day of Pentecost. We have o...
Acts 3:1. _Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the
hour of prayer, being the ninth hour._
Peter and John seem to have been linked in closest friendship. Peter
had been brought back...
CONTENTS: The lame man healed at the temple gate.
CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Peter, John, lame man, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Pilate, Moses, Samuel.
CONCLUSION: The hand of compassion, extended by Spirit-...
Acts 3:1. _Peter and John went into the temple at the hour of prayer._
Some read, At the same time Peter and John went into the temple,
intimating that this was the afternoon of the day of pentecost....
REPENT, THEN, AND TURN TO GOD. Both verbs are _active_ [not passive]
and are to be understood as requiring action on their part. Compare
James 4:8; John 3:14-15. This verse is the counterpart of Acts...
_All the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called
Solomon’s, greatly wondering._
The porch--or better, portico or cloister--was outside the temple, on
the eastern sid...
_Repent ye therefore and be converted._
I. The Apostle Bade Men Repent And Be Converted.
1. Repent signifies, in its literal meaning, to change one’s mind.
It has been translat...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 3:11 Peter’s second sermon in the temple area
was primarily a call for Jews to repent of their rejection of Jesus as
Acts 3:18. ALL HIS HOLY PROPHETS.—Best taken as a collective phrase
for the prophets as a whole. Most of the Books of the Old Testament
foretell distinctly the sufferings and death...
ACTS 3:1
_Were going up _for _went up together, _A.V. and T.R. PETER AND JOHN.
The close friendship of these two apostles is remarkable. The origin
of it appears to have been their partner...
Shall we turn to Acts, the third chapter.
Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of
prayer, being the ninth hour (Acts 3:1).
The day started at six o'clock in the morning, su...
1 Kings 8:48; 1 Peter 2:25; 2 Peter 3:8; 2 Thessalonians 1:10;...
Be converted [ε π ι σ τ ρ ε ψ α τ ε]. Not a good rendering,
because the verb is in the active voice. Better as Rev., turn again.
See on Luke 22:32. Blotted out [ε ξ α λ ε ι φ θ η ν α ι]
Forgiveness of...
Acts 3:17 _; Acts 13:27_
The Scripture chosen for today, is worth our thought. The first
Scripture was spoken by Peter, the sec...
Be converted — Be turned from sin and Satan unto God. See Acts
26:20. But this term, so common in modern writings, very rarely occurs
in Scripture: perhaps not once in the sense we now use it, for an...
The apostle, like. wise physician, having discovered to the Jews the
danger of their disease in the foregoing verses, now directs them to
the only effectual remedy, viz Repentance: REPENT AND BE CONVE...