Charles Simeon's Horae Homileticae
Acts 7:22,23
Acts 7:22. And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds. And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren, the children of Israel.
IT was urged against Stephen, that he was an enemy to Moses, and to the laws delivered by him. He, in vindicating himself against this charge, exalts Moses to the uttermost, as the greatest friend of Israel, who, at the peril of his life, and with the loss of all things, effected their deliverance from their bondage in Egypt.
In the hope that God, of his mercy, may raise up from amongst ourselves such friends to Israel, I will endeavour to shew,
I. The use to which Moses applied his distinguished talents—
Certainly his talents were of the most distinguished kind—
[In point of rank, he was second only to Pharaoh himself. in the whole Egyptian kingdom. Whether the government itself would ever have devolved on him, we cannot say: but, next to Pharaoh, he now possessed the greatest influence, and the most enlarged authority. His acquirements were of the very first order: “he was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians,” who were at that time the most learned people upon earth. Solomon himself, who was wiser than all the children of the east country, was commended especially by this, that “he excelled all the wisdom of Egypt [Note: 1 Kings 4:30.]:” and, consequently, the character here given us of Moses, as “learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians,” is as elevated as any that could be given to mortal man. But to this was added experience, in all the most arduous affairs of state. When it is said, “he was mighty in words and in deeds,” we are not to understand it of what he was subsequent to his mission to redeem Israel from their bondage; but of his previous state, whilst he was yet in Pharaoh’s court, where he must of necessity find many occasions which called for peculiar wisdom in deliberation, and energy in action. At the same time, he was now in the very prime of life; not so young, as to act with thoughtless indiscretion; nor yet so old, as to be suspected of acting from a weariness of life, or a superstitious hope of meriting somewhat at the hands of God: he was forty years of age; at which time his judgment was fully matured: and, if he had affected worldly pleasures, he was fully capable of enjoying them with the richest zest, and for many years.]
Yet, with all these advantages, how did he employ them?
[Did he enjoy himself as one intent only on his own personal gratifications? No: he felt for the miseries of his oppressed brethren; and determined to interest himself in their behalf. He was aware that such a proceeding must be attended with great sacrifices on his part, and expose him to very imminent dangers. He must of necessity lose his place and situation in the court of Pharaoh; and, in uniting himself to the despised and persecuted Israelites, he could not fail to bring upon himself much reproach and suffering.: yet, having weighed, as in a balance, the evils which he must endure against the benefits which he hoped to convey, “he refused to be called any longer the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; and chose rather to suffer affliction with the people God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt [Note: Hebrews 11:24.].” The benevolent desire of delivering his people from their oppression having been conceived in his mind, he instantly addressed himself to that good work: and, “seeing one of them injured by an Egyptian, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.” But finding, the next day, that this action had been discovered, and knowing assuredly that, if he should be apprehended by Pharaoh, his life would be sacrificed, “he fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian [Note: Exodus 2:11.].” How far the precise mode of carrying his desires into effect was right, I presume not to judge. It is the desire of delivering his people, and not the mode of his attempting that deliverance, that is the object of my commendation: and that is held forth to us, by God himself, as worthy of our highest admiration.]
And now let us consider,
The light which his conduct reflects on the general subject of Missions—
Methinks it reflects great light,
1. On the need there is of Missions—
[The state of the Israelites in Egypt very strongly illustrates the state of mankind at large under the bondage of sin and Satan. Truly “the god of this world” rules over men with most tyrannic sway; “leading them captive at his will,” and recompensing with nothing but evil their most laborious exertions. In one respect, the vassals of Satan are in a far worse predicament than they; for they are unconscious of their bondage, and even love their chains. Not only where the darkness of heathenism prevails, but even where the light of Christianity shines, are men enslaved by their lusts and passions; and yet are ready to account their bondage liberty [Note: 2 Peter 2:19.]; unconscious, too, in what that bondage will issue. To the miseries of oppressed Israel, so far at least as the cruel Egyptians could inflict them. death put a happy termination: but the slavery of Satan’s vassals is leading them to chains of everlasting darkness. Say, then, whether there be not need for such to be instructed, and encouraged to cast off the yoke with which they are bound? Yes verily: and to exert ourselves for the diffusion of such light and liberty is an employment worthy of the most elevated of mankind. No talents can be improved to better purpose than in such acts of benevolence as these.]
2. On the spirit with which they should be undertaken—
[Moses regarded all the honours and riches of Egypt as nothing, when put into competition with the service of God, and the benefiting of mankind. Nay, not only did the sacrificing of all earthly comforts appear trivial in his eyes, but even life itself was judged by him as of small value, in comparison of the discharge of his duties to God and man. Now, thus should it be with us. Whatever we possess of earthly distinctions, we should account it of no value, but as it may subserve the honour of God and the interests of our fellow-creatures. Instead of imagining that any elevation of rank exempts us from such labours, I hesitate not to say, that the possession of influence is itself a call for benevolent exertions; and the greater our talents are, the greater is the obligation upon us to improve them for our God. For every talent we possess we are responsible to God: and, if we are faithful in serving God to the utmost of our power, there is a glorious recompence awaiting us in the eternal world. “To this recompence we should have respect, even as Moses himself had:” and such a sense should we have of its transcendent excellency, that it should altogether swallow up all inferior considerations, and engage for God all the faculties we possess. These are the views with which a man should enter upon missionary labours, and the spirit with which he should pursue them: for then only can we embark in such a service with effect, when we engage in it with our whole hearts and our whole souls.]
3. On the success which may he hoped for by all who undertake them aright—
[Moses succeeded not at first. The very persons whom he sought to deliver were the first to “put him from them; saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us [Note: This was the sentiment, not of him only who addressed these words to him, but of the nation generally. Compare ver. 27. with ver. 35.]?” And afterwards, when he was sent by God to deliver them, they only complained of him as occasioning their more augmented sorrows. And, after he had succeeded in bringing them into the wilderness, he found them only a rebellious and stiff-necked people, who loaded him with reproaches, and wished to return back again into Egypt [Note: Exodus 5:21.]. Of all the adults that he brought out of Egypt, two only ever inherited the promised land. Yet did Moses account his labours well repaid, because in their posterity they enjoyed all that he had fondly hoped to confer on them. Now, in like manner shall all who engage in missions sooner or later see their labours crowned with success. They may have many trials at first, and may appear to labour a long time in vain. And after that they have gathered a Church, they may find much discouragement arising from the untowardness of their converts. Yet, let them only wait on God, and the seed which seems long unproductive shall spring up, and bring forth an abundant harvest. And in this shall the Christian missionary succeed, far beyond all that Moses could reasonably contemplate. The prospects of Moses chiefly terminated on the possession of the promised land, and on the prosperity to be enjoyed there: whereas the Christian missionary knows assuredly, that every true convert shall possess, in due season, all the glory and felicity of heaven. And if his own converts be but few, still he has a consciousness that distant harvests may arise, when “the handful of corn which he cast on the top of the mountains shall shake like the woods of Lebanon, and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth [Note: Psalms 72:16.].” And thus he has the consolation to hope, that “others more successful may enter into his labours; and that he who sowed, and those who reap, shall rejoice together in heaven for evermore.”]
Let me now ask,
Whence is it that Missionaries are so greatly wanting?
[The principles by which Moses was actuated were faith and love. “By faith,” we are told, he embarked in this sacred cause, and executed his work with such fidelity [Note: Hebrews 11:24.]. But we are sadly defective in this grace. We see not with sufficient clearness the perishing condition of the heathen, and their need of that remedy which God has put into our hands. Nor do we feel that love for souls, which should overcome our self-love, and make us willing to give up ourselves to this difficult and self-denying work. We do not realize eternity as we ought. O! if we had just views of the eternal world, how empty would all earthly distinctions appear, and how important the work of missions! Dear brethren, we all have reason to be ashamed, and especially when we reflect on the wonders of redeeming love. How rich was the Lord Jesus Christ in the bosom of his Father; and yet, how poor did he become, that we, through his poverty, might be rich! This is the proper pattern for us to follow: and if once we be imbued with a sense of his love, we shall account it our highest honour to live and die for him.]
2. What is the best possible improvement of our talents—
[I am far from saying that all talent is to be directed in one channel. There is not any department of science wherein the most exalted talents may not be profitably employed. But, of all offices, that of a minister or a missionary is the most exalted. A minister, whether stationary, in the care of a single parish, or moving in the more extended field of a missionary, is the servant, the ambassador, the very representative of the Most High God; and, as such, has scope for all the talents that any man can possess. It is but too common amongst us to assign to youth of great promise those services whereby their temporal interests may be advanced, and to reserve for those of inferior capacity the service of God’s sanctuary. But this is very dishonourable to God, and very injurious to the souls of men. Let the conduct of Moses shame us: and let us all, whatever our talents or influence may be, devote them all to the service of our God, and to the promotion of our Redeemer’s kingdom. It is not indeed necessary that we relinquish the line of life in which divine Providence has called us: on the contrary, we are told to “abide in the calling wherein God has called us,” yea, “therein to abide with God:” but, whatever our peculiar talents be, and in whatever department of the state they are exercised, let us consider the service of God, and of his people, as having the first claim upon us; and let no personal interest be considered as worthy of a thought, in comparison of God’s honour, and the eternal welfare of mankind.]