Hebrews 9:26. Now once, in the end of the world, hath he appeared, to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.

TO obtain a just knowledge of the Gospel, we should view it in its connexion with the law; partly, in a way of comparison; and partly, in a way of contrast. From the comparison, we shall ascertain its nature: from the contrast, we shall learn its excellency. Compare it with the law; and you will find that it agrees with the law, as the seal with the impression on the wax: there is not the smallest feature in the law, to which there will not be found a corresponding lineament in the Gospel. But there are in the Gospel points which the law could by no means exhibit. Its priests were men, who needed first to offer for themselves. They officiated in an earthly tabernacle; and presented only beasts, for offerings; and presented them often, on account of their inefficacy to expiate the sins of men. But the High-priest under the Gospel is no other than God himself; who, having assumed our nature, offered his own body, once for all; and is entered into heaven itself, there to carry on and perfect his work for all who come to God through him. It is in this view that the Lord Jesus Christ is spoken of in the passage before us. He is contrasted with the priests under the law, as “not having entered, like them, into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:” and as “not offering himself often, as the high-priest entered into the holy place every year, with blood of others; for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world. But now once, in the end of the world, hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.”

From these words I shall take occasion to shew,

I. The insufficiency of the Mosaic sacrifices—

By “the end of the world,” we are to understand, the end of the Mosaic dispensation [Note: That period is called the Fulness of Times, Galatians 4:4.Ephesians 1:10; and the Last Days, Hebrews 1:2; 1 Peter 1:20; and the Ends of the World, 1 Corinthians 10:11.]. During that period, sacrifices were offered. But they were insufficient for the removal of sin.

1. They had not in themselves any suitableness to that end—

[What virtue could there be in the blood of bulls and of goats? “It was not possible for them to take away sin [Note: Hebrews 10:4.].”]

2. They were not ordained of God for that end—

[They were intended only to prefigure Christ; and to direct the eyes of men to him, and to keep up the expectation of him in the world [Note: Hebrews 8:5.]

3. The very repetition of them was an acknowledgment of this—

[Had they fully expiated sin, there would have been no occasion for the repetition of them; and “they would therefore, of course, have ceased to be offered [Note: Hebrews 10:1.].”]

In contrast with them, we here behold,


The perfection of the Christian Sacrifice—

“To put away sin the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world.”
He was a proper sacrifice for sin—
[He was altogether spotless, both in body and soul [Note: 1 John 3:5.]. In him, therefore, there was both a suitableness for a sacrifice, and sufficiency to make atonement for sin: a suitableness, because he was a partaker of our nature; and a sufficiency, because he was a partaker also of the divine nature. On him the iniquities of the whole world were laid [Note: Isaiah 53:6.]; and under the curse due to them he died [Note: Galatians 3:13.]

By his one offering of himself, he effected what the Mosaic sacrifices never could—
[He put away sin from before God, “who is reconciled to us through the blood of the cross [Note: Colossians 1:21.]:” and he put it away also from man, both in its guilt and power. So did he cancel the guilt of men, that “all who believe in him are justified from all things [Note: Acts 13:39.]:” and so did he break its power, that it never can have dominion over one of his redeemed people [Note: Romans 6:14.]


How highly privileged are we who live in the present age!

[We have not to present to God those poor and worthless sacrifices which left the conscience still burthened with guilt [Note: ver. 9.]; but can plead one which is a sufficient propitiation for the sins of the whole world [Note: 1 John 2:2.], and “perfects for ever all them that are sanctified [Note: Hebrews 10:14.].”]

2. What infatuation are they guilty of, who hold fast their sins!

[Think what has been done to deliver us from them. God has laid them all upon his only-begotten Son, that they might be “put away from us, as far as the east is from the west.” But, in holding them fast, we say, in fact, ‘ “Thou shalt never wash my soul [Note: John 13:8.]:” I regard not thy tender mercies: I prefer my sinful gratifications before all that thou canst do for me; and I will have them, in despite of all that thou hast threatened to do against me.’—Say, beloved, what will be your views of this conduct, in a short time? The Lord grant, that, ere it be too late, you may believe in Christ; lest “the corner-stone, which you so ungratefully reject, should fall upon you, and grind you to powder!”]

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